My dear mum told of an experience using the improvised mass latrine at one of the UK assemblies.
She was perched on one of the seats when the latrine servant yanked the honey bucket out from under her from behind a privacy curtain.
this was the 1963 assembly at twickenham.
i recall the wt deciding no more camping after this due to "immorality" having taken place..
My dear mum told of an experience using the improvised mass latrine at one of the UK assemblies.
She was perched on one of the seats when the latrine servant yanked the honey bucket out from under her from behind a privacy curtain.
i read about this topic sometime ago in one awake mag (cant rememer which one).
and from the jw perspective, he didnt know which means it took him by suprise or which makes it seem god is not as almighty as we would believe.
this is their reasoning..
so why didnt god realise he had made a small mistake when he made Adam---when did god discover that men needed to have their foreskin cut off ?
the twickenham post made me think of this.
i have a few jw family members on facebook and being summertime, their pics of the convention have shown up in my fb feed.
along with their comments about "i wished it would never end" or "what a glorious weekend".
my first twickers--the one i stayed at a rented room--was spent trainspotting on Wimbledon station platform--for hours, while mum attended the assembly. This lasted each day till it got dark--and mum got off a train and collected me--i was about 12 years old !!! ive no recollection of the assembly itself.
the next 2--and those at murrayfield--was spent with my mates--it was a holiday. I never sat and listened to any talks.
Slow forward a few years--newly married and attended rain soaked Wembley old stadium--actually sat in the rain bored stiff and not listening. Utter waste of time..and i'm proud to say it was the last big ARSEmbly i ever went to--about 1970 ?
this was the 1963 assembly at twickenham.
i recall the wt deciding no more camping after this due to "immorality" having taken place..
i camped at Twickers--63 maybe. Rows of tents--males and females segregated. The tent i slept in had a large bale of straw for a bed.
At a previous twickers mum and i plus another mum and kid slept at a house obtained through jw volunteers canvassing the streets looking for houses with rooms to rent.
i’m new to apostate stuff but have gone deep down a few rabbit holes of late so want to see both sides to everything .
im going to a congregation but am viewed as a bit of a black sheep because i question lots of things but not enough to cause too much trouble.. i’m intrigued watching the show.
in my heart i’m pretty sure the governing body are fakes and charlatans.. the entire thing is a big con game.
What about top several points that prove JWs are right ?
i can remember going to a couple of internationals in the 60's--at Twickenham UK. There was mass catering on an industrial scale. Hot food dolloped on to a large plastic / laminate tray, woodgrain effect,---with different compartments. Standing at rows of tables--no seats. Eat and go.
Next stop were the mass latrine tents.
Early form of recycling.
new wt october 2023....first an article remembering 1923....they make changes, the had a "prayer, praise and testimony weekly meeting".. after an study article about obey, specially paragraph 18.. i have a wild guess, next year, just one weekly meeting for the borg..
and just keep a few assembly halls--and charge a huge attendance fee.
Visitors always looked at the charts to compare with their own cong.
my grandfather who has been dead for 37 years would not recognise the borganisation today.
he would turn in his grave if he knew the end didn’t come by 2023.. back in the 1970s he really believed in the 75 thing.
he was so disappointed and almost blamed everyone else why the end didn’t come.
McDonald’s used to be the number one property owner worldwide now that the Borg took ownership of all KHs they surpassed even McDonald’s
The kingdom hall where i live--Ryde, Isle of Wight---was right next door to a big McDonalds--with drive through. Highly successful-prime site
this was grabbed and sold--its now a vetinary hospital
McDees is to the right--out of shot
Heres the McDees--the white sign extreme left is for the KH--before it was sold
my grandfather who has been dead for 37 years would not recognise the borganisation today.
he would turn in his grave if he knew the end didn’t come by 2023.. back in the 1970s he really believed in the 75 thing.
he was so disappointed and almost blamed everyone else why the end didn’t come.
Who said it was ok to sell off all the halls that were dedicated to Jehovah?
I think this is a major mistake by the society.
When i grew up in it--most dubs longed for their own hall--most meetings were in rented places--often school buildings in the evenings and weekends.
Then--when funds had been raised --by the congregation--building land bought--and the halls were mostly built by the brothers themselves--and dedicated to jehovah. They were very proud of it--and felt a sense of belonging.
The big snatch and sell off must have been devastating--especially to the older ones who had fought and saved for years. Jehovah had left the building. Nothing to show for years of dedication. Played. Had over.